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I would recommend her

to the world !


Francel, Consultante en finance opérationnelle

- San Francisco (CA) - USA

25 octobre 2019

I have heard about Kris through a friend of mine. I wasn't sure about it at first because I didn't really have anything to ask advice on. However, I have decided to make an appointment and see what she can do for me.
I am not sorry to have contacted her, not only is she professional, sweet and kind but she is right on regarding her predictions. She described me like we were friends for a long time and she knew a lot of my personality traits like she was family.
When it came to her predictions, I needed to wait and see. I am not so much of the patient type of person, so in a couple months or so later, I called her back. Though, some of the things, she said during our first call, did come true like money coming in, or my trip around the Como Lake, etc.
But during this second call, I really needed her help because I was lost. My relationship wasn't going so well. I was in a very bad period where I didn’t know what I wanted in life anymore, either on a professional or personal level. So, I called Kris.
On an instant, she calmed me down. Her voice, her words were so helpful. I listened carefully to what she was telling me. I even took notes. I told her that I wanted a car but it was not possible. She confirmed that it wasn’t impossible and that there was no doubt in her mind that I will get the car. In two week's time, I got my almost brand new car and all the paperwork process went smoothly. I was thrilled ! She did tell me about a few trips for this summer. Next thing I knew, my boyfriend booked our flight to Mexico for a week while visiting my family in California.
She told me not to worry about having a family of my own. I have been wanted this for so long. I hope she is right on this one too. How can I doubt her now, since she has been right all along with the rest.
She is truly wonderful, I would recommend her to the world ! I have already recommended her to friends, and one of them made an appointment with Kris, the night I talked to her about her. She wasn't disappointed either !
Trust me, she is the best ! I will contact her soon again and of course, I will keep her posted of all the wonderful things she told me about and I can't wait to see them coming true !
Thank you Kris for your gift and I wish you nothing but the best because you deserve it !

Francel, Consultante en finance opérationnelle - San Francisco (CA) - USA

Bonjour Kris,

Cela va faire un peu plus d'un mois depuis notre dernière consultation et je tiens à vous remercier de m'avoir guidée au travers de cette "mauvaise" période.
La plupart des choses, que vous avez prédites à mon sujet, se sont réalisées assez rapidement, même si j'étais assez sceptique sur certains sujets…
Il y a eu un achat de véhicule et j'ai eu la chance d'avoir des visites de personnes proches que je ne pensais pas revoir lors de notre discussion.
Il y a aussi eu une déclaration d'un homme, dont votre description correspondait parfaitement. Je n'ai pas poursuivi une histoire avec celui-ci, étant donné que la situation avec F., l'homme avec qui je suis actuellement, se passe mieux et je pense, comme vous l'avez annoncé, continuera à s'épanouir, m'offrant une vie heureuse à deux, ou même peut-être plus... J'attends encore que cette prédiction se concrétise.
Je suis heureuse aujourd'hui et tout cela grâce à vous. Vous m'avez aidée à garder espoir et continuer sur ma lancée et à lâcher prise, à ne pas trop me poser de questions... En d'autres termes, de profiter de ma vie et qu'elle m'apporte un maximum.
Sur ce, un grand merci à vous, Kris.
Je n'hésiterai pas à vous contacter après les vacances pour vous donner de mes nouvelles.

Francel, Consultante en finance opérationnelle - San Francisco (CA) - USA